What Is Feminine Energy? The 7 Best Ways To Be More Feminine

What is feminine energy that almost everyone is talking about these days?

Once you learn how to activate this powerful energy that already exists inside you, you’ll know firsthand why you should make it a daily practice.


If you’re a savvy, smart and ambitious woman who’s feeling overworked and overwhelmed by your busy life, then you’ll definitely want to read this simple guide.


In this blog post, we’ll cover:

·       What feminine energy is

·       Feminine energy compared to masculine energy

·       How harnessing your feminine energy benefits all areas of your life

·       The 7 simplest ways to access it


The feminine is about fluidity and about “being”. Nature is feminine.

When you’re simply “being”, you’re in receiving and experiencing mode.

Feminine energy is about creativity, openness, intuition, and flow.

What does feminine energy feel like and how does it differ from masculine energy?

Feminine energy versus masculine energy has a focus on pleasure, is about purposelessness and surrendering to the moment for the sheer joy of it.


Instead of “doing”, which is masculine energy and is concerned with “getting work done”. The focus is on achieving an outcome. It’s driven, clearly defined and goal-focussed.


Let me be very clear. Each one of us has masculine and feminine energy, regardless of our gender.

However, we have one core energy that predominates over the other.

Most women who identify as women at their core are operating in their daily lives, mainly in their masculine energy.


And while women are thriving in the workplace and have definitely made advancements towards gender equality in recent decades, there’s been a high cost associated with that.


This includes:

·       losing touch with their feminine power and softness

·       feeling a lack of fulfillment despite their many achievements

·       feeling overwhelmed and anxious

·       sensing that something is out of alignment, yet not able to pinpoint correctly what that is

·       attracting guys who’re more feminine at their core

·       unable to maintain attraction and healthy relationships with solid masculine energy men


 After reading this list, you’ll know exactly how to radiate feminine energy.

You’ll find a wide variety of ways and there’s something here for every woman to incorporate into her daily, if not weekly, life.



Benefits of increasing your feminine energy :


· gaining access to your feminine power

· feeling more present to yourself and others

· feeling more peaceful and calmer

· more enjoyment of everyday life

· becoming more attractive to solid masculine energy men

· more ease with maintaining high levels of attraction, sexual polarity and healthy relationships



Tip #1. Slow Down Your Pace: 


 The best way to get into your feminine energy is to trim down the activities on your to-do list and/or do them at a slower and more relaxed pace. 


Most modern women live frenetic lives by being on autopilot: rushing, planning, organizing and taking care of family, stuff at work and at home.


Instead of trying to rush through what needs to get done, allow yourself to surrender to this process.

Believe and trust that life will take care of what needs to be done through you. 


When you ease into your feminine energy, you operate at a slower pace, yet you’re sacrificing nothing.

You understand the ride is just as important as the destination.


You take moments here and there to remember that you’re a feminine being. Life is enjoyed and savoured in the present moment.


You need to make time to smell the roses!! You’ll feel calmer and still get what you need to get done, but in a more feminine manner.



Tip #2. Allow Yourself To Receive and Ask For Help:


This is challenging for most women, especially for high-functioning ones.

Since the beginning of time, we have always been highly capable, hustling, and multi-tasking creatures.


And in modern times, in our quest for equal footing with men, we have striven to accomplish and get things done - even to the detriment of our well-being.


Sometimes we forget that biologically we are NOT built exactly like men.

We have lots of different hormones that govern how we respond to our daily tasks, stressors, and workload.


But because we’re so capable and most of us want to be “nice”, we feel that over giving and overworking is the right thing to.

Since we’re little girls, we’re taught that it’s better to give, be helpful and of service to others - rather than to receive.


It’s time to move away from these social constructs that are harming us more than helping us and start filling our own cups.

One way to do that is to get into our feminine energy by allowing ourselves to receive from others.


This means letting go of controlling and micro-managing situations and surrendering by allowing others to help us - rather than saying “Oh, I can do it myself”.


 Tip #3. Spend Time in Nature (barefoot when possible): 


Give yourself at least 10 minutes per day to nourish your spirit by walking slowly in a pleasant spot in nature. 


When your bare feet are in contact with soil, grass, sand or any other surface outdoors, it provides a “grounding” experience that infuses you with the energy of mother earth.


The science behind this explains it as a harmonization and restoration of your body’s biological and physiological functions.


Benefits include feeling calm, re-energized, a reduction of inflammation and pain, and an overall sense of well-being.


Even sitting in your backyard or on your front stoop while basking in the sun will do wonders for your feminine spirit.

Allow the spirit of mother nature to flow through your body and take the time to notice her beauty.


During the winter months, when it’s too cold to sit outside, I do what I call a “Sun Soak”. On a sunny day, I’ll sit by the window to bask in the sun's warmth.


And sometimes I’ll lift my bare feet up and absorb the sun that way.

It always feels so soothing, uplifting, and calming to do this, even if it’s just for a few minutes.


Tip #4. Cultivate and Spend Quality Time With Other Women: 


When did you last spend quality time with other females?


Getting into your feminine energy by allowing time in your schedule to connect with other like-minded women who will nourish and sustain you. 

Especially when life gets challenging. Be each other’s safe space by listening and sharing with one another. 

You could meet up with girlfriends at a regular time weekly or bimonthly. If you’re not able to have in-person meetings, have a Zoom pyjama party.


If you want to make new female friends, see if there are any women’s groups in your area. Try meetup.com. You could even start your own group!


Trust me, there are LOTS of women craving high-caliber friendships with other women.

Feminine connection with other females really uplifts and feeds your soul!



Tip #5. Use Your 5 Senses To Find Your Joy: 


 Make it a daily practice to use and appreciate all of your senses. Feminine is your natural state, which is soft, yielding, nurturing and relaxed.


A feminine energy state allows for indulging in the five senses: touch, sight, sound, taste, and feeling.

This lovely indulgence allows you to enjoy… well... everything in your world.


Give yourself permission to unblock your real self and your emotions and set them free so you can flow into your feminine vibe, which is your rightful place to be.


Instead of listening to your favourite podcast, take off those ear buds and instead listen to the sounds of your city or the sounds in nature.


Instead of gulping down your morning coffee or smoothie, sip slowly and savour the taste.


Instead of a rushed morning routine, stand in the shower (or lay in the bathtub) and luxuriate in the warm water touching your skin.

As you get dressed, luxuriate by touching the fabrics of your clothing.


Instead of racing to put yourself together, take the time to smell your freshly washed hair, lavender-scented body lotion and exotically spiced perfume.


 Instead of driving or walking to a destination on auto-pilot, take in the sights all around you.

Notice people’s faces, what they’re wearing, look at the architecture, look at the trees, plants and shrubs and the colours and soak it all in.



Tip #6. Honour Yourself By Self-Nurturing: 


When was the last time you really made nurturing yourself a priority?

Take excellent care of yourself. Pampered and well-taken care of women feel more feminine and happier.


It also builds your self-esteem because when you take the time to honour yourself, you’re showing your body the love and respect it deserves. 


And even though you’re doing this for you, it will help you attract men. 

Or, if you’re already partnered, it will bring out your man’s masculine side. 


When you self-nurture, you’ll have that ‘’glow’’ which makes you attractive to everyone else, especially the men in your life.


Feminine activities are receiving or giving yourself massages, facials, manicure, pedicure or goddess baths with oils, salt, and bubbles. 

I go weak in the knees for anything that smells like roses.


I literally stop and smell the roses by slathering rose-scented, luscious hand cream all over my hands, fingers and my nails as I inhale its delicious, feminine, old-fashioned scent


While you’re doing these activities, shut your mind off from what needs to be done and focus on PLEASURE and ENJOYMENT. Be present!



Tip #7. Nourish Your Spirit and Soul: 


How do you most enjoy expressing yourself? Who are you deep down?


Become connected with what lights you up. Could it be singing? Dancing? Creating Art?


If you’re not sure what your joy is, ask yourself these questions with curiosity and see what comes up. 

Then, when you discover what that is, do it!


Partake in activities that help you regenerate. Become involved with what you enjoy. 


That could be spending time in museums, libraries, taking a class to learn about wine, or doing a yoga class, etc. 

Anything that isn’t related to work, duties and obligations and gives you joy and allows you to blossom.



✨✨✨ Bonuses of Cultivating Your Feminine Energy


To a masculine man, a woman in her feminine energy is irresistible. What, you may ask, does irresistible mean?


Simply, this means that you’re a woman who’s comfortable in your skin.

You delight in your surroundings no matter where you are because you’re able to see wonderment every day of your life.


 Your vibration sparkles because your senses are engaged. This makes you sexy, alluring and inviting to men.


Men will be magnetized to you when they feel your new, lighter, and more feminine vibe.

Your slower pace will light up their world!


Now that you can see how simple it is to tap into your feminine energy, you can start incorporating some of these practices into your daily life.

And you can start today!

The benefits can’t be overstated! You’ll enjoy the following:


·       deeper enjoyment of daily moments and tasks

·       healthier relationships with work, clients and family

·       feeling more grounded, centered and calm

·       increased attraction with solid masculine men


Craving to learn more?

Read more about masculine vs.feminine energy in dating here:

What Is Masculine vs Feminine Energy In Dating?

The 7 Best Ways To Date With Feminine Energy

Feminine Energy In Dating

What about you?

Which one(s) resonated with you the most?

Let me know in the comments.