The 7 Best Ways To Date With Feminine Energy
This feminine energy thing has you intrigued?
Feminine energy
Feminine energy
You’ve established that your entire life could benefit from embodying your feminine.
In this blog post, we’ll cover:
why you should switch into the easier energy when dating
7 best ways you can date with feminine energy
what exactly to do and not do
how to authentically lean back
Why Should You Date With Feminine Energy?
So that you can date with confidence, attract a high-caliber, commitment-minded, solid masculine energy man who pursues you and moves things forward with you.
Dating will feel less like work and more fun.
And you’ll feel more relaxed and more empowered with men.
No performance required!
Let’s dive right in!
#1 Let Him Lead
Let him plan and choose things for you.
Healthy, high-caliber, solid masculine energy men want to please you and make your life easier.
Don’t take away this basic masculine instinct away from him.
Let him make the plans, take you to great places and show you the coolest things.
Show your gracious appreciation.
Play to into his masculinity!
This is a timeless attraction principle!
2# Allow Yourself To Receive From Men
Let a man pay for the first few dates.
A solid, commitment-minded man who’s interested in you AND wants to make a good impression will want to pay.
Your job is to be appreciative and thankful.
That’s all this type of man wants.
This is NOT about being entitled.
A man doesn’t have to pay for the date.
However, if he wants to make a good impression and he likes you, he’ll WANT to.
There’s no reason in the world why you shouldn’t accept his offer.
Receiving is one of the best ways to date with feminine energy.
And there’s no need to do the pull-out-your-wallet thing and pretend that you really want to contribute to the date if that’s NOT something you want to do.
If paying for part of the meal that feels unromantic, bad or inauthentic to you, then just don’t do it.
You do NOT have to prove to a man that you can pay for part of the date.
And you don’t owe a man anything if he pays for your meal.
He knows how capable you are, that you’re equal, and he doesn’t want or need your help in paying.
Remember that dating with feminine energy is about receiving.
Here are some dating with feminine energy affirmations that will help you receive from men on a date:
“Men love to treat me.”
“It’s safe to receive from a man.”
“Men feel good when they give to me.”
#3 Fully Accept A Man’s Compliments
Accept compliments graciously by saying thanks and not feeling obliged to reciprocate right away.
You can definitely compliment a man.
Men love genuine compliments.
I suggest doing so at another moment rather than immediately after he’s given you one.
You can compliment him on how he handled a situation, planned a fantastic date or how handsome he looks in his shirt.
#4 Allow Men To Be Gentlemen
Allow him to steer you across the street, open doors for you, take your coat and whatever else he does that is of help to you.
Stay in your receiving energy and let yourself need him.
Even if you can do these things for yourself.
Let him use his masculine energy to support you and make things feel lighter for you.
Keep in mind that having feminine energy on a date is about allowing.
#5 Be Willing To Let Yourself Be Fully Seen
Show your vulnerability elegantly.
Let a man see who you are.
Drop your armour of trying to be perfect to seem competent and in control.
Your imperfection makes you human and attractive.
#6 Drop The Boss-lady Energy
Don’t lead with your accomplishments and power in the workplace.
It’s challenging for a man to connect with you if you’re doing that.
Notice I didn’t say don’t talk about your work.
Of course, you ought to talk about your work if you want to!
Men are curious about this aspect of your life.
Here’s the thing, though.
Some woman try to impress men.
But this is accidental!
And with other women, they ARE trying to impress!
So rather than do that, I encourage you to stop talking about the logistics and INSTEAD talk about how your job makes you FEEL, how it inspires you and how it benefits your life.
This will help a man connect more deeply with you.
Keep in mind that you and the men you date spend your working hours using your masculine energy and getting the job done.
Both of you need a break from this.
Do you agree?
This is NOT a job interview.
Of course, healthy men will respect your abilities and they’d want to hire you more than they’d want to date you.
And healthy solid men DO want accomplished and intelligent women.
They don’t want a doormat.
Being feminine is BOTH powerful and softer.
#7 Lean Back
Leaning back is one of the key components of taking the ‘date with feminine energy’ approach.
At the TRUEST level, authentic leaning back is not trickery, ignoring a man or playing silly games.
It’s about owning your worth and value so that you can let go of trying to control situations and outcomes with men.
However, let’s be real.
While leaning back CAN be feminine, it isn’t necessarily so.
Because while you may not be trying to control outcomes, you definitely want to INFLUENCE the outcomes.
Leaning back with authentic detachment feels more feminine.
That’s the key difference to me.
Moving right along.
You also stop wondering or worrying about what a man is doing or not doing and allowing him space to come towards you (if he so chooses).
Leaning back is about:
Surrendering to the moment and letting go of attachment.
Trusting your worthiness and gifting men (or whatever you desire) with the opportunity to seek you out and enjoy your presence.
Surrendering in a feminine way, knowing that things are taken care of for you.
Having faith and trust in the Universe that what’s yours is coming to you without you having to hunt it down.
This is one of the KEY mindsets to embody when you’re dating with feminine energy.
As you can see, leaning back provides the ultimate freedom for YOU.
When you lean back, it looks and feels like this for man:
This is heaven for a man because, likely for the first time in his entire life, he’s getting to experience a woman who allows him the space to process how he feels.
AND do what he feels like doing without being concerned about responding to her demands and expectations.
When you lean back and date with feminine energy, a man has complete freedom to respond or not respond in the way of his choosing.
When you lean back, it looks and feels like this for YOU:
You’ll feel more grounded and calmer in your body AND in your space because you won’t be concerned with trying to get a certain outcome.
When you ‘work’ less in dating, you’ll be able to relax and release any anxiety or stress that you’re feeling…because your focus will no longer be about doing something or things to get a certain outcome with a man.
You’ll be able to let go of dating situations that aren’t serving you.
You’ll know if a man can step up with you–with no prompting or nudging from you.
And you get to observe and see if how he’s acting and speaking is in alignment with you.
You’re looking for a super simple and easy way to get into leaned back mode and date with feminine energy?
I have an approach that works to shift your vibe and get back into your goddess self practically instantly.
You become magnetic and irresistible to high-caliber men!
Designed to be effective and feel good without any effort on your part aside from listening.
Perfect for a busy woman like you.
Presenting “I Am A Goddess” Affirmations MEDITATION - so that you can unapologetically OWN your worth in love and in life.
Naturally, lean back into your life…
And date with your feminine energy.
So that you become a Lighthouse that calls in high-caliber men without effort.
Feel unstoppable confidence in your desirability.
Click on the image to check it out -
“I Am A Goddess” Affirmations MEDITATION
Looking for more feminine energy tips?
Check out these blog posts -
What Is Feminine Energy? The 7 Best Ways To Be More Feminine
What Is Masculine vs Feminine Energy In Dating?