How To Be More Feminine To Attract A Masculine Man
You're a savvy, high-achieving woman who knows what she wants: a self-led, solid masculine man.
And you won't settle for anything less. The best way to attract a masculine man is to be more feminine and I'm not talking about dresses and ruffles.
Here are 5 simple ways that will get you what you desire in love and romance.
Why would you want to be more feminine?
Is it a performance of being feminine to attract men?
Read on and decide for yourself.
You’re going to discover:
· Elements of femininity and a brief description of what they are and how to embody that
· What a feminine attitude is and how it can benefit you and your love life
· How vulnerability, when expressed authentically, can make you more magnetic to masculine energy men
· How embracing your differences with men can ramp up the attraction
Related articles:
The 7 Best Ways To Date With Feminine Energy
What Is Feminine Energy? The 7 Best Ways To Be More Feminine
#1. Elements of Femininity
You and all women are under NO obligation to be more feminine.
And every woman is free to be and do as she likes.
But, if YOU are a woman who wants to attract a masculine man, the best way is to become more feminine, and that is something you can definitely learn.
Femininity is more than the physical and external.
Femininity is also about morphology, psychology and behaviours that are specific to women.
But above all, if you’re going to remember one thing, it’s that the more different you are from a man, the more attracted he will be to you.
So, one way to be more feminine is to be softer.
Softer with your voice and with your approach.
When you’re raising your voice while speaking to a man and/or speaking in a very high voice, it’s because you’re feeling emotional and you’re trying to push something.
You’re trying to get something with your tone, but when you speak in a slower, lower and calmer voice, you appear more confident.
And you also sound calm and more soothing.
So that makes you look, sound, and feel more feminine.
#2 Adopt A Feminine Attitude
A feminine attitude is:
· one of open-mindedness and flexibility
· not about being rigid
· about going with the flow and being open to changes that are happening or that could happen
· being softer with your approach towards others, showing gentleness
#3 Vulnerability and Self-Expression
Tenderness is also particularly enticing to men, and another way activate your feminine is to show your vulnerability.
Both men and women have a vulnerable side, but some of us often try to hide this.
And if you’re a woman, you definitely shouldn’t be hiding this.
Show your emotions, show your feelings and EXPRESS yourself.
It lights men up because they don’t have such easy access to their feelings and their emotions as we do.
So, when they’re in the company of a woman who is expressing her feelings and her emotions in a HEALTHY authentic way, it really lights them up and inspires them and puts them at ease.
And helps them connect to their own feelings.
Moreover, it creates a warm heart connection between the two of you!
You really need to make sure that you’re showing these emotions not as a way to get something.
It’s just really just to express yourself.
And as long as it’s not coming from a place of attack or blame then a man is going to really be drawn to you when you’re showing your vulnerabilities.
#4 Embrace Your Differences To Be More Feminine
Another way is to show off your differences.
Revel and bask in them unapologetic-ally!
Men are attracted to qualities that they don’t have or have less of naturally than women do.
So, the more different you are from a man, the more attractive you’ll be to him.
Of course, the external and the physical matter.
They matter quite a bit because men are as you know are very visual.
Most men prefer long hair and feminine clothing like dresses.
And they like good, subtle, quality perfume and tasteful jewellery but it’s not just about that.
And let me be very clear!
I’m NOT saying that you should change!
Just sharing what most men prefer.
You shouldn’t grow your hair long if that doesn’t appeal to you and you don’t have to wear dresses if you’re more comfortable in pants.
#5 Be More Feminine With Movement
If you want to appear more feminine, consider the way you move and carry yourself
For example:
· when you come down the stairs
· as you get up from a seated position
· when you get out of a car
· the way you walk
· the way you touch your hair
· the hand gestures you use when you’re talking to people
These are all ways where you can use your femininity.
So, no harsh and rushed movements like when you come down the stairs.
Don’t go down the stairs like an elephant, you know?
Walk down the stairs or glide down the stairs. (and I don’t mean down the railing)
When you get out of a seated position.
Don’t do so abruptly.
Get up gently.
When you get out of a car, do so graciously.
When you walk with grace and style.
This is VERY attractive to men.
And all these qualities or traits that I just mentioned to you to attract men have another bonus that’s even more important than attracting men.
Notice the shift in your energy when you soften your movement.
You feel better when you act feminine or have these qualities.
Being softer feels fantastic.
It’s freeing to show your vulnerability and express your authentic self healthily.
And it feels good to discern the way you move and how you carry yourself.
All these qualities attract men, but they make YOU feel good and that is way more important.