Melissa Audrey, Dating, Love & Relationship Coach

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What Your Man Really Thinks of Your Looks

Have you ever wondered what your boyfriend or guy you’re dating thinks about your looks?

Have you ever felt worried or concerned about your appearance in your man’s eyes?

How much importance do men place on their partner’s appearance?

It’s generally understood that men are visual and are attracted to beautiful women.

But how important are looks in their relationship?

Remember that the attraction your man had towards you was only physical at the very beginning of your relationship.

Without that attraction, there would have been no interest in pursuing you in the first place and eventually casually dating or having a relationship with you.

Eventually there was emotional attraction which is the key element of falling in love.

Now that the attraction part has been sorted out, let’s talk about your appearance now that you’ve been in a relationship for a few months or even 30 years.

Your appearance is still very important to him even though he may not tell you.

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Some men will never criticize your appearance and others will.

What is MOST important to your man is if he perceives that you’re making an effort to improve or maintain your appearance.

It doesn’t matter to him if HE isn’t making efforts to maintain his own appearance.

He could be obese and still want you to look good.

Doesn’t seem fair does it?

I will not generalize about men on the following point.

There are men who will be turned off by changes in your physical appearance that he perceives as negative.

Regardless of whether he’s in shape or not.

I have LOTS to say about that but not in this blog post.

Other men will be more understanding and take the changes in stride.

What men want is for you to make efforts.

It really is that simple.

Efforts to maintain health and beauty include exercising in a gym, participating in sports, eating nutritious foods, wearing clothing that suits and fits your body type, flattering hairstyle, jewellery and makeup.

So if you partake in some or all of the above, it’s very likely that your man sees you as physically attractive and is drawn to you physically.

Even if you feel like you’re too skinny, have no hips or feel like you need to drop 30lbs.

You will be perceived as beautiful just because you bothered to make efforts.

Men want to feel PROUD about the woman on their arm.

And I promise you that if you make efforts, and your man is a healthy man, you will be a goddess in his eyes no matter your age, body type, firmness.

My friend Caroline, who is 53 now, received a gorgeous blue gym bag for Christmas a few years ago from her boyfriend who is the father of their 3 boys.

She’d been talking about joining the gym for months but hadn’t taken action yet.

The gym bag gift was the big hint from her boyfriend that it was time to join the gym.

Caroline chose to not take offence at her boyfriend’s choice of gift as some women would have.

She thanked him warmly.

Shortly after she joined a gym, started taking group cardio zumba classes and lifted very light weights.

Months passed by and one day Caroline told me “Melissa, my body really hasn’t changed that much physically. I do feel more energetic and I know that doing such light weight-lifting isn’t enough to help me lose weight and sculpt my body”.

But I feel so good after I go to my group classes and my boyfriend is so pleased when I get home from the gym. There’s always a smoothie waiting for me”.

Her boyfriend is ALWAYS proud of her and tells everyone he meets about Caroline's work-out schedule.

She’s thrilled and feels so good about herself and her body even though she says “it’s far from perfect”.

As women, we have what is called “beauty capital”.

Every single woman has the ability to increase her capital by making efforts.

It’s MUCH easier for US than it is for men as we can enhance our looks with makeup, hairstyles, jewelry, accessories, clothing and exercising.

To not capitalize on this seems to me a COMPLETE and utter waste.

Especially because of what YOU gain from it : more self-confidence and increased attraction from your man towards you. It’s a double win!

Melissa xox